Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting Ready for Spring

Spring is in the air. It's the 11th of May and London has already seen weeks of sunshine. Barbeques have come out, Pimms are flying off of supermarket shelves and nurseries are entering their busiest time of year. What are some of the things that you can do to get your home and garden ready for the summer?

1. Trim back garden overgrowth:
If your garden happens to have a lot of foliage it is likely that it has overgrown over the winter season. While it might look pretty, it is problematic for a couple of reasons. First of all, your flowers and herbs will have a difficult time growing with limited access to sunlight. Second of all, that much overhang provides a comfortable nesting place for birds who will then poo all over your garden and patio furniture. In this instance, some major trimming is in order. If branches are too high or thick to manage on your own then you should contact a professional tree surgeon to assist you.

2. Repaint your house:
If the winter left dirt and stains on the outside of your home, you might want to freshen it with a new coat of paint. All you need is a little bit of touch up and your house will look brand spanking new.

3. A trip to the local nursery:
Even if gardening isn't your thing, a few colourful plants are worth investing in if you have the outdoor space. Even if you don't, filling a window box with some pretty geraniums will really brighten the front of your home. Planting doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming, and in a city like London, you can count on rain to do most of your watering for you. Instead of, or in addition to flowers, you might opt for a few herbs or vegetables, and enjoy eating fresh, homegrown produce all season long.

4. Air out the inside:
Aside from cleaning out our personal wardrobes, there tends not to be a lot that we do to 'springify' the inside of our homes. Opening up your blinds and windows, putting away big, winter blankets, and keeping fresh, cut flowers all around your home will make it feel like spring. After all the season is associated with warmth, colour, and nice fresh smells.

While getting your home and garden ready for spring might feel like a chore, it tends to be more of a labour of love. At the end of the day we're all willing to work for good weather and all the fun that comes with it.

Artemis Tree Services provide professional tree care services to clients throughout London and the Home Counties. They offer tree care services to ensure trees, hedges and shrubs remain healthy and retain their beauty and amenity value. For more on Tree Surgeons in London visit